The Common Pursuit Show Poster

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The Common Pursuit chronicles the lives of six friends throughout a 20-year span. When Stuart Thorne enlists his fellow Cambridge classmates to help him start a new literary magazine, the literature buffs become lifelong friends. Once the challenges of the real world set in, Stuart must make some unexpected decisions.

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Performances ended on Jul. 29, 2012.

Show Overview

About The Common Pursuit

What Is the Story of The Common Pursuit?
Set at Cambridge University, The Common Pursuit is the story of Stuart, a student who hopes to start a literary magazine. Stuart appoints himself as the editor and invites his five friends to help: Marigold, his girlfriend; Nick, an aspiring theater critic; Humphry, an aspiring philosophy professor; Martin, an aspiring publisher; and Peter, who aspires to sleep with lots of women. The play spans 20 years, chronicling the lives of these six unlikely friends as their careers and lives progress.

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