Old Jews Telling Jokes Show Poster

Old Jews Telling Jokes Critics’ Reviews

Old Jews Telling Jokes is inspired by the website OldJewsTellingJokes.com, and features both brand new and satisfyingly old songs and jokes. If you’ve ever had a mother, visited a doctor, or walked into a bar with a priest, a rabbi and a frog, Old Jews Telling Jokes will sit in the dark, give you a second opinion, and ask you where you got that.

Show Overview

About Old Jews Telling Jokes

What Is the Story of Old Jews Telling Jokes?
No story: The title of the show explains exactly what happens on stage at off-Broadway’s Westside Theatre. Well, technically, only three of the five Jews telling jokes are old—a pair of young cast members take part in the revelry, which includes comic tales about love, marriage, sex, parenthood, death and every stage of life in between.


Critics’ Reviews (3)
A collection of our favorite reviews from professional news sources.

"You'll laugh your tuchus off."


Marilyn Stasio

"The show, whose title has as firm a grasp on its audience’s desires as 'Girls Gone Wild,' is a winning concept executed deftly with affection. "

The New York Times

Jason Zinoman

"Read between the punch lines and 'Old Jews' has a message about humor getting us through tough times. But the show really just wants to crack audiences up—and does. What’s not to like?"

The New York Daily News

Joe Dziemianowicz

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