The Oldest Boy Show Poster

The Oldest Boy Videos

In The Oldest Boy, Tenzin, the toddler son of an American woman and a Tibetan man, is recognized as the reincarnation of a high Buddhist teacher. Differing cultures contend with competing ideas of faith and love when two monks seek permission to take Tenzin to a monastery in India to begin his training as a spiritual master. His parents must decide whether to send their young son away or keep him home.

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Performances ended on Dec. 28, 2014.

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About The Oldest Boy

In The Oldest Boy, Tenzin, the toddler son of an American woman and a Tibetan man, is recognized as the reincarnation of a high Buddhist teacher. Differing cultures contend with competing ideas of faith and love when two monks seek permission to take Tenzin to a monastery in India to begin his training as a spiritual master. His parents must decide whether to send their young son away or keep him home.

Video! Travel to Tibet with Celia Keenan-Bolger and the Cast of LCT's The Oldest Boy
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Video! Travel to Tibet with Celia Keenan-Bolger and the Cast of LCT's The Oldest Boy
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