Deuce Photos

Stage legends Angela Lansbury and Marian Seldes team up in this warmly funny and unexpectedly touching new play by Tony Award-winning playwright Terrence McNally (Master Class, Love! Valour! Compassion!). Deuce tells the story of the reunion of two retired women tennis players who once made up a championship doubles team. When they meet again at the U.S. Open, the women—now at the end of their lives—find themselves trying to make sense of the professional partnership that brought them to the top of the sports world in their youth. The pairing of four-time Tony winner Lansbury, who was last seen on Broadway more than 20 years ago,and Tony winner Seldes, a mainstay both on and off Broadway, makes Deuce one of the season's most anticipated theatrical events.

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About Deuce

Stage legends Angela Lansbury and Marian Seldes team up in this warmly funny and unexpectedly touching new play by Tony Award-winning playwright Terrence McNally (Master Class, Love! Valour! Compassion!). Deuce tells the story of the reunion of two retired women tennis players who once made up a championship doubles team. When they meet again at the U.S. Open, the women—now at the end of their lives—find themselves trying to make sense of the professional partnership that brought them to the top of the sports world in their youth. The pairing of four-time Tony winner Lansbury, who was last seen on Broadway more than 20 years ago,and Tony winner Seldes, a mainstay both on and off Broadway, makes Deuce one of the season's most anticipated theatrical events.
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