A Family For All Occasions Show Poster

A Family For All Occasions Critics’ Reviews

Howard just wants to express himself, but his wife is way past listening, and his teenage kids prefer that Dad be rarely seen and never heard. So when his promiscuous daughter’s latest suitor drops by with an odd devotion to family, Howard’s prayers seem to be answered, until his home life is thrown dangerously and irrevocable off-course.

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About A Family For All Occasions

What Is the Story of A Family For All Occasions?
In Bob Glaudini’s A Family For All Occasions, audience members step inside the modest home of Howard, a retired lamp repairman, and May, an employee at a box factory. Howard tries to forge a better relationship with his teenage son Sam, a self-proclaimed computer genius who rarely leaves his bedroom. Meanwhile, his adult daughter Sue (who also still lives at home) stays out all night, every night, much to the exasperation of her parents. When a mysterious man Sue met at a party arrives for an unexpected visit, Howard is initially alarmed—but he soon realizes the two have more in common than he first thought. As Howard tries even harder to fix his crumbling relationships with his family, his own life begins to spiral out of control.


Critics’ Reviews (3)
A collection of our favorite reviews from professional news sources.

"[Jeffrey] DeMunn may just break your heart as this quiet, lonely man, trying to make the best of the crummy hands he’s dealt."

The New York Post

Elisabeth Vincentelli

"The scene for which playwright Bob Glaudini's 'A Family for All Occasions' is likely to be remembered involves a couple, a jar of peanut butter, and a very bizarre (or creative, depending on your taste) way to use said peanut butter."

Entertainment Weekly

Melissa Rose Bernardo

"Mr. DeMunn and Ms. O’Connell are reliable experts in bringing a sense of bruised humanity to the characters they play..."

The New York Times

Charles Isherwood

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