Macbeth Show Poster

Macbeth Cast & Creative

Corey Stoll and Nadia Bowers star in John Doyle's production of Shakespeare's classic.

This show is closed.

Performances ended on Dec. 15, 2019.

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About Macbeth

A terrifyingly prophetic tale of revenge, murder, and madness, Macbeth ominously traces the fallout when the darkest side of humanity cheats its way into a position of power. Often referred to as “The Scottish Play” by superstitious theatergoers due to the purported witchcraft found within its text, Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s bloodiest, scariest, and yet, most popular tragedies.


Nadia Bowers
Lady Macbeth
Barzin Akhavan
Antonio Michael Woodard
Fleance/Young Macduff
Raffi Barsoumian
N'Jameh Camara
Lady Macduff
Barbara Walsh


Written by
William Shakespeare
Director and Set Designer
John Doyle
Costume Designer
Ann Hould-Ward
Lighting Designer
Solomon Weisbard
Sound Designer
Matt Stine
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