A Minister's Wife Show Poster

A Minister's Wife Videos

The Reverend James Morell and his wife Candida are happily married—or so they think—until a romantic young poet enters their life. Based on an 1898 version of George Bernard Shaw's Candida, A Minister's Wife explores the fires burning beneath the surface of a seemingly ordinary marriage.

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Performances ended on Jun. 12, 2011.

Show Overview

About A Minister's Wife

What Is the Story of A Minister’s Wife?
This musical adaptation of George Bernard Shaw’s Candida centers on the Rev. James Morell, an activist London minister eager to spread his Christian and Socialist beliefs at the turn of the 20th century. Morell is married to the vivacious Candida, a stalwart supporter of her husband’s ministry. As the show begins, she arrives home accompanied by a young poet named Eugene Marchbanks, who has fallen in love with Candida and is eager to force a confrontation with the self-satisfied minister in hopes that he can win her love. Also on the scene are Morell’s young curate and his female secretary, who harbors a not-so-secret crush on her charismatic boss.

Beyond Broadway: A Minister's Wife
Beyond Broadway: A Minister's Wife
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