Mr. and Mrs. Fitch Show Poster

Mr. and Mrs. Fitch Photos

Meet gossip columnists Mr. and Mrs. Fitch. When the social circuit no longer provides juicy morsels, they find that great celebrity can appear out of thin air. This new comedy is a scathing look at who is in, who is out and who may not even exist at all.

This show is closed.

Performances ended on Apr. 6, 2010.

Show Overview

About Mr. and Mrs. Fitch

What Is the Story of Mr. and Mrs. Fitch?
For years, Mr. Fitch has been considered gossip royalty. He and his wordsmith wife’s reputation was built on documenting the rises, falls, exploits and dalliances of the famous in a gossip column of a major publication. In recent months, however, Mr. and Mrs. Fitch have found their celebrity juice running low, drained by an onslaught of bloggers and other amateurs. Desperate for a scoop and delirious from a night of fruitless party-hopping, the duo takes creative license to meet a deadline—namely, creating a fictional celebrity from thin air. When their phantom “it” boy takes on a life of his own, Mr. and Mrs. Fitch get a lesson in fame gaming—and may have to admit that the party is over.

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